Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time goes by so fast!

My wife has most, if not all, of the photos she has taken over the years on her computer and they cycle through as a screen saver.  There are two photos that pop up in the slideshow, and now almost bring me to tears. One is of my son, Jordan and me by a fountain at Marine World—I am holding him in my arms. The other is of Ashtyn, my daughter and I curled up on a swing set during a warm summer day.

I remember when I would carry both my son and daughter on my shoulders.  Now that they are 20 and 15, I obviously cannot carry them on my shoulders.  It’s amazing that as I think back I can almost feel their weight on my shoulders.  How my daughter used to slap my bald head and laugh and my son thought my head was his personal snare drum. 

What I wouldn't give just have the opportunity to put them on my shoulders again.  The good news is that I can still curl up with my little girl on the couch and laugh with her while watching some of our favorite movies together.  My son and I do a lot of hugging.  I am so blessed that he is the initiator of most of the hugs.

I have to admit that sometimes I take these moments for granted, like they will always be there.  As the years go by, I realize that the intimacy between a father and his children will change as they go out on their own.

They say you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.  Enjoy all of the golden moments you can, don’t take them for granted and don’t wait until they have vanished like a vapor to savor and appreciate each one.

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