Sunday, August 14, 2011

Down and Out vs Up and In

There is a lot of talk about joblessness these days, but I don’t know if people who have had a job consistently over the past few years can really appreciate what those who do not have a job are going through.  For many job seekers each day is filled with the dread of sending out resumes and cover letters.

Some job seekers have been looking for months and some for years.  After so much time spent searching with no tangible results, fear, anxiety and hopelessness fills all the empty spaces in their hearts and minds.

The other day I met a friend of mine who has been out of work for over two years now.  My heart broke as I heard her recount the submission of all the countless resumes and the failed interviews. Her face was so downcast. I could see the pain in her face.  She's a detailed person with great communication skills.  Unfortunately, after all of the time off she forgot that she has so much to contribute to an organization.

Seth on the other hand, is an energetic and intelligent man who was able to overcome the age barrier and the employment gap to secure a new job after 2 years of being out of work.  So it is possible to find a job, but Seth would tell you, the key is focus and a positive attitude.

Over the next few weeks I want to share some words of encouragement for all of you who are still looking for work.  I know it is difficult, but I want to encourage you to not give up and lose hope.

Feel free to post a comment or a question regarding your job search and I will do my best to help.

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