Sunday, July 17, 2011

Everyone Needs A Lionel

The Oscar award winning movie, The Kings Speech, is replete with many messages that really inspired me.  It is both a beautiful and powerful story about Berte, (King George VI) and Lionel, his speech therapist, and how Lionel helped Berte overcome his stammering to deliver an inspirational speech that rallied a nation on the verge of World War II.

For all of you who may have seen the movie you will recall Lionel expressing his confidence in the future King and his potential for greatness.  In spite of Berte’s stammering, Lionel saw through the perceived impediment to the heart and soul of a man that exuded compassion and love for his country.

Why am I telling you this?  Because I believe all of us need a Lionel in our lives.  We need someone to encourage us and believe in us even when we cannot see our potential in ourselves.  It is very hard to go it alone especially when we are faced with taking on new challenges.  Berte only saw himself as a naval officer and not a King.  However, with a supportive wife at his side and Lionel, who would become his best friend, Berte transformed into the person who would become King George VI.

The King’s Speech reminds me of the story of Moses who had a speech impediment that he thought would preclude him from being the leader God wanted him to be.  Moses’ “Lionel” was his brother Aaron.  Yes, I know the stories are not exactly the same, but the bottom line is this: neither man knew what he really was capable of until he was pushed outside his comfort zone. Each man had someone at his side to give him help and build his confidence.  Both the British Empire and the children of Israel needed a leader the people would follow, and that’s what each of them got.

How about you?  Do you have a friend that encourages you?  Do you have one that sees your potential and supports you?  How about someone who pushes you beyond your self-imposed limits?

If you are going to achieve any meaningful success, you will need a Lionel in your life.  

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