Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sweet Delights

While walking through our neighborhood mall, I went into a candy store that sells current and nostalgic candy bars like Big Hunk, Bit-O-Honey, Sugar Daddy and Clark Bar. It brought back such great memories of my childhood.

Remember “penny” candy? It actually cost a penny. Now it’s like nickel candy. While walking down the aisles I was transported back to our neighborhood store. I could not believe that some of the candy I grew up eating was still being sold. It brought me so much Almond Joy to see all the candy, I began to Snicker(s). One of my favorite candies is the Chick-O-Stick. Even as I write this post I feel so good! Isn’t amazing how little sweet delights and some good memories can make a not-so-good day better if only while you consume them?

That brings me to the point of my story. Every day I speak to individuals who are struggling with the issues of day-to-day life. They express to me how difficult it is to overcome failure, disappointment, and anxiety. As they attempt to deal with the issues they are facing, they feel overwhelmed and hopeless.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying a candy bar will make all of your troubles go away, but focusing on the good things can help you overcome the doldrums that life can bring. As people, we tend to focus on the bad and ignore the good things in our lives. I recently shared with a group that it is easy to jump in the river of despair and hopelessness and let it overwhelm you. If that’s where you find yourself, let me throw you a lifeline of hope.

Whether it is enjoying a piece of your favorite candy (in moderation), or taking in the beauty of a flower or feeling the rain on your skin or enjoying the memory of your favorite vacation spot, think on the good things in life and recall great memories. I am not suggesting that you live in denial, but I want to encourage you to focus on the thing you do have control over, and that is how you respond to the challenging events in your life. Your attitude can play a tremendous role in your happiness and bringing happiness to others. When you focus on others outside yourself, you will be surprised that although your problems are still there, they are not as intense. Why? Because you are thinking about and serving others.

So, when you feel down why not enjoy one of your favorite sweet delights!

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