Sunday, November 27, 2011

Half A Key

A friend of mine was sharing his story with me about when he lived in New York and fell on tough times. He recalled the time when he had failed to pay his rent and came home one day to find a big white piece of paper stuck to his door with the words, “Eviction Notice.” If that were not bad enough, he tried his key and it would not go into the lock. He explained that in New York when you are evicted the landlord breaks off half a key into the lock.

Wow! Half a key. What an insult, a slap in the face. What a feeling of hopelessness. I can almost see the shiny piece of key in the lock. I neglected to ask him if he tried to break off half of his key and fit it into the lock.

Have you ever felt the sting of half a key in your life? Maybe you lost your job and your passwords no longer work. Maybe you are in financial hard times and you go to charge groceries and the card is declined. Yes, you may have known it was coming, but when it finally happens to you, fear and feelings of failure set in. Don’t despair! You may not know it, but you hold the keys to unlocking new opportunities, even in a down economy. Your skills and experience can be used to enhance the lives of others.

Good news! There was more to my friend’s story. He responded by using the circumstance to move his life forward. He got off drugs, went to college, married his sweetheart and found a new path and purpose through his faith in God and his savior Jesus Christ. He found that Half a Key can be the key to unlock new opportunities.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Living in the Possibility

Don’t let what you see dictate what you can be.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13 KNJV

Living in the possibility of what you can be is the key to living a purpose-filled life. So many people limit themselves by what they see. Their life experiences color who they think they can be and what they think they can do. They set up barriers in their minds based on what others say they ARE and what they will become.

I want to challenge you to live in the great big world of I CAN and I WILL! Live in the world of possibility.

Many people have different opinions about the late Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers. But one opinion that is shared by most everyone is that he was a true visionary. One man had a vision of transforming the way the world did business, enjoyed entertainment, and moved information. He lived in the world of POSSIBILITY.

Don’t let anyone define your possibility. When someone tells you, “It is impossible,” or “You can’t,” it’s probably because they think they can’t do it, so what makes you think you can do it, or they want to place limits on you to thwart your success.

Individuals who lived in the world of possibility:

Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, and place your name here.

What sets all of these people apart is their ability to think and dream big, no matter the cost.

Living in the possibility breaks down the barriers of doubt.